31 CFR § 589.405 - Exportation and reexportation of goods, services, or technology; provision and receipt of services.

Date issued: May. 02 2022

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TURBOFAC Commentary (776 words)


1) This provision is substantively similar to a like provision contained in all non-abbreviated sanctions regulations, except that (i) the versions found in IEEPA-based embargo regulations (560.410 ITSR, 510.405 NKSR, 542.405 SySR, this provision) cover services exported to an embargoed destination, in addition to the provision of services to blocked persons and with respect to blocked property, and (ii) versions of this provision implemented 1-21-22 and thereafter are titled "Provision and receipt of services," instead of just "Provision of services," and there is a subsection specifying that "[t]he prohibitions on transactions contained in § [5XX].201 apply to services received in the United States or by U.S. persons, wherever located, where...