Appendix A to Part 591—Executive Order 13692 [Blocking Property and Suspending Entry of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Venezuela]

Date issued: Mar. 08 2015

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TURBOFAC Commentary (418 words)


1) The prohibitions of EO 13692 are incorporated by reference in 591.201. See comments to 591.201 concerning the administration of the blocking prohibitions contained in this EO, including the applicability of IEEPA exemptions.

EO 13692 is the EO declaring a national emergency with respect to Venezuela that serves as the basis for several other Venezuela-related EOs that were only incorporated into the VSR in November, 2019.

2) This EO, which, in part, implements Sec. 5 of the Venezuela Defense of Human Rights and Civil Society Act of 2014 (VDHRCSA), is, in turn implemented by the abbreviated Venezuela Sanctions Regulations (VSR) (Part 591). As discussed in the notes discussed above and in General Note on "Import Exceptions" in Certain Program-Specific Sanctions Statutes (System Ed....