31 CFR § 598.207 - Expenses of maintaining blocked tangible property; liquidation of blocked property.

Date issued: May. 17 2021

TURBOFAC Commentary (212 words)


1) Provision identical to analogue in 20 other sanctions regulations involving the blocking of property (certain abbreviated sets of regulations have omitted the provision).

2) For the only post-2005 enforcement action seemingly related to this provision, see Civil Enforcement Information - Richland Trace Homeowners Association, Inc. (2012)/ Penalty Notice - Richland Trace Homeowners Association, Inc. (2012). There, the operators of a blocked condo applied for and received a license to liquidate the property, but acted outside the scope of it by reimbursing themselves for arrears.

3) See 598.511 for the general license, added on 5-17-2021, for expenses related to the maintenance of blocked tangible property. Prior to that, OFAC appears to have had a policy of licensing payments to U.S. persons by blocked persons for maintenance of tangible property, so long as the funds used for the payments were “fresh funds.” See LICENSE No. FNK-2017-340944-2; Rahn Bahia Mar LLC v. M/V Waku et al (0:17-cv-60447); (0:17-cv-60449) (S.D.F.L. 2017); OFAC Licensing Director's Declaration, and comments thereto. But compare ENF 53208 (Notable Notification of Blocking) (2019).

4) With respect to the licensing policy articulated in subsection (b), see e.g. LICENSE No. VENEZUELA-EO13850-2019-359725-1 and License No. FNK-532a, and comments thereto.