LICENSE No. FNK-2017-340944-1; LICENSE No. FNK-2017-340944-2; OFAC Licensing Director's Declaration and USG/OFAC Notice in Response to Order to Show Cause in Rahn Bahia Mar LLC v. M/V Waku et al (0:17-cv-60447) (S.D.F.L. 2017)

Date issued: Aug. 18 2017

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TURBOFAC Commentary (946 words)


1) The OFAC declaration explains the background of the license (which is an amended version of the version addressed in the other items in this file).

"13. On or about March 10, 2017, [the SDN owner of the vessels], through counsel, submitted a license application seeking authorization, inter alia, to pay the maintenance and limited operating expenses for the two vessels reported blocked [ ] on February 28, 2017. The license application also sought to pay past due amounts incurred for the vessels.

14. On April 3, 2017, OFAC issued a specific license [LICENSE No. FNK-2017-340944-1] authorizing funds to be received from [the SDN owner of the vessels] to pay expenses, including past due amounts, ordinarily incident to the maintenance and limited operation of the two blocked vessels, and to maintain the vessels pursuant to applicable maritime rules and regulations,...