Civil Enforcement Information - Richland Trace Homeowners Association, Inc.

Date issued: Feb. 21 2012

TURBOFAC Commentary (124 words)


1) The penalty notice suggests that the condominium association had a license to foreclose the blocked condo, but should have deposited the funds in a blocked account, rather than reimburse itself with them.

Compare § 593.505, and analogous provisions, which generally license "[e]ntries in certain accounts for normal service charges authorized."

"A U.S. financial institution is authorized to debit any blocked account held at that financial institution in payment or reimbursement for normal service charges owed it by the owner of that blocked account."

Such reimbursements do not extend beyond holders of blocked property other than financial institutions, however.

2) Rare case involving acting outside the scope of a pre-existing, valid specific license.

3) Refer to Penalty Notice - Richland Trace Homeowners Association, Inc.