31 CFR § 560.204 - Prohibited exportation, reexportation, sale, or supply of goods, technology, or services to Iran.

Date issued: Oct. 22 2012

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TURBOFAC Commentary (1395 words)



560.204 is the broad export ban element of the overarching embargo against Iran; implementing an identically worded provision in Executive Order 13059 - Prohibiting Certain Transactions With Respect to Iran. It is the most frequently interpreted and frequently violated provision among all of OFAC's active sanctions regulations. Some elements of the provision are discussed below.


On paper this provision is substantially different from analogous IEEPA-based export ban provisions, e.g. those of the NKSR (510.206) and SySR (542.207, for services). The thing that distinguishes the ITSR provision from all others is the structure, where the...