31 CFR § 560.206 - Prohibited trade-related transactions with Iran; goods, technology, or services.

Date issued: Oct. 22 2012

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TURBOFAC Commentary (1405 words)


1) 560.206, which directly implements Sec. 2(d) of Executive Order 13059, is unique to the ITSR. While much of what is covered by 560.206 is also within the scope of 560.204 (export ban), 560.201 (import ban) and 560.208 (facilitation). 560.206 adds considerable scope to the ITSR, and makes it the broadest currently active IEEPA-based embargo.

i) Iranian origin goods

Among the other notable features of the provision, it covers "any transaction or dealing in or related to" "[g]oods...of Iranian origin." This means all goods of Iranian origin, as that term is broadly defined in the ITSR, no matter how old they are, where they are located, or how long they have actually been outside of Iran. Together