31 CFR § 515.590 - Certain grants, scholarships, and awards.

Date issued: Nov. 09 2017

TURBOFAC Commentary (212 words)


1) GL discussed at FAQ # 794 and Cuba FAQ # 795.

2) On its face, this GL appears conducive to particularly broad interpretation (especially the open-ended reference to "awards" "related to" "scientific research"), but OFAC has not provided further useful guidance, and GLs in other sanctions programs are too comparatively narrow to be of interpretive use.

3) A law firm reports that:

OFAC has issued informal guidance that states that such grants, scholarships or awards may be provided to a “Cuban state-owned entity or any other entity in which Cuba or a Cuban national otherwise has an interest” provided they are used for educational activities, humanitarian projects, scientific research or religious activities. However, the federal government continues to remain statutorily prohibited from providing grants to the Cuban government.

See https://www.akingump.com/en/experience/practices/international-trade/ag-trade-law/new-round-of-cuba-sanctions-changes-expand-opportunities-for-1.html

4) See notable guidance letters at Case No. CU-2015-319798-1 and Case No. CU-2016-325292-1.

5) See notable guidance letter at Case No. CU-2019-359325-1 (U.S. medical-related professional association can allow Cubans to participate in their "fellowships" (through the provision of grants/awards/scholarships). These need not be provided by degree-granting educational institutions.