31 CFR § 542.211 - Exempt transactions.

Date issued: Dec. 21 2022

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TURBOFAC Commentary (1705 words)



The scope of the informational materials exemption of the sort found here has been interpreted identically across programs. The Research System contains over 100 guidance letters, interpretive rulings, FAQs and other documents addressing the various interpretive issues that have come up with regard to the exemption. Refer to, e.g. Examples of the “Substantive or Artistic Alteration or Enhancement” and “Fully Created and in Existence” Standards, Notes Common to the "Information or informational materials" Definitional Provision, Notable Applications of the Definition of "Information or Informational Materials" and Examples of Transactions Exempt as Incident to Underlying Informational Materials Transactions.

To the extent that transactions are not covered by the basic informational materials exemption, the SySR contain a