United Nations Participation Act of 1945 (UNPA), 22 U.S.C. § 287c - Section 5 of the

Date issued: Nov. 14 1945

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TURBOFAC Commentary (179 words)


1) When Executive Orders imposing sanctions relate to one or more UN Security Council resolutions, the EO will cite, in addition to IEEPA, this statute as the basis for the authority for the sanctions. UNPA contains none of the exemptions that IEEPA contains for personal communications, informational materials, donations or travel. Accordingly, OFAC has generally interpreted sanctions EOs relying in part on UNPA for their authority as not exempting the sort of transactions exempt from prohibitions based solely IEEPA, at least insofar as the basis for a given transaction being prohibited can be traced to the authority of UNPA. For more on the applicability, or lack of applicability, of IEEPA exemptions with respect to sanctions programs based in part on UNPA, refer to General...