OFAC FAQ (Current) # 410 - Ukraine-/Russia-related Sanctions

Date issued: Nov. 28 2017

Last substantive commentary amendment:
Apr. 03 2024

TURBOFAC Commentary (219 words)


1) The purpose of this FAQ appears to be heading off the possibility that parties will structure transactions such that the "clock" on the SSI entity's legal obligation to pay does not start until some point in the future, subsequent to the agreement being made. OFAC appears to take the view that, no matter the formal structure of the agreement, the clock starts running once the agreement to sell is made.

2) OFAC has confirmed that even an ordinary "net 90" payment term for an ordinary sale of goods to an SSI entity would constitute prohibited "new debt" where the applicable tenor is 60 days. See Haverly Systems, Inc. (2019). The principle articulated here would in principle have the same application in ordinary goods transactions as it would in corporate transactions and transactions involving financial instruments, where the deferred purchase structure is more common, but see FAQ 419, making an exception in the case of sales of goods, where OFAC allows the clock to start running from the “point at which title or ownership of the goods transfers to the SSI entity,” not the issuing of the invoice or the making of a contractual obligation to purchase the goods.

* See generally General Note on the Prohibitions on Dealings in “New Debt” of Certain Sanctions Targets (System Ed. Note)