List of "Agricultural Commodities" for TSRA Purposes (Commodities Eligible for Shipment to Cuba Agricultural, Fish and Forestry)

Date issued: Jun. 30 2006

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TURBOFAC Commentary (234 words)


1) This document is, as of 9/20/2021, on the BIS' website and referred to as a "list of specific commodities that fall within the definition" of "agricultural commodities" for EAR purposes. [1] In License Application Guidelines for Exports to Iran and Sudan of Agricultural Commodities, Medicine, and Medical Devices, which remains active on OFAC's website as of 9/20/2021, OFAC refers to the list as a "list of agricultural commodities that qualify for export under the TSRA program." OFAC, therefore, appears to recognize the entirety of what is included on the list to meet the definition of "Agricultural commodities," as that term appears in many OFAC-administered general licenses. (See also 66 FR 36683, stating that "Exporters may consult the Department of Agriculture website at