Proclamation 8271 of June 26, 2008 - Termination of the Exercise of Authorities Under the Trading With the Enemy Act With Respect to North Korea

Date issued: Jun. 26 2008

TURBOFAC Commentary (131 words)


Read in conjunction with Executive Order 13466 - Continuing Certain Restrictions With Respect to North Korea and North Korean Nationals (June 26, 2008), issued simultaneously. This Proclamation had the effect of terminating the use of TWEA as the legal basis for North Korea sanctions, with EO 13466 declaring, pursuant to the National Emergencies Act, a national emergency with respect to North Korea that allowed for the transfer of the then-active sanctions to an IEEPA-based authority. Those sanctions, and the national emergency declared in June, 2008, remain in effect as of 8/2019.

For general discussion on this EO in connection with the other authorities underlying the NKSR, refer to General Comment on the North Korea Sanctions Regulations and the Relationship Between the Authorities Underlying the Regulations (System Ed. Note).