Executive Order 13466 - Continuing Certain Restrictions With Respect to North Korea and North Korean Nationals (June 26, 2008)

Date issued: Jun. 26 2008

TURBOFAC Commentary (175 words)


1) This EO is the first of six that, as of 8/2019, form the basis of the sanctions program concerning North Korea.

2) EO 13466 transfers (in conjunction with Proclamation 8271) authority for North Korea-related sanctions from TWEA to IEEPA; declares a national emergency to deal with North Korea; continues in effect under IEEPA the sanctions measures against North Korea that had been in place pursuant to TWEA and which are implemented in the NKSR at 510.201(a)(2). This EO also provides the basis for 510.207 (Prohibited vessel transactions related to North Korean registration and flagging), another prohibition carried forward from pre-2008 authorities. Note that no persons are blocked pursuant to EO 13466, only property that was already blocked prior to 2008, so the IEEPA exemptions are not relevant to the administration of 510.201(a)(2).

3) For general discussion on this EO in connection with the other authorities underlying the NKSR, refer to General Comment on the North Korea Sanctions Regulations and the Relationship Between the Authorities Underlying the Regulations (System Ed. Note).