Executive Order 13372 - Clarification of Certain Executive Orders Blocking Property and Prohibiting Certain Transactions (February 16, 2005)

Date issued: Feb. 16 2005

TURBOFAC Commentary (263 words)


1) This EO attends to various technical matters in connection with other EOs having already established national emergencies and blocking authorities.

2) 594.201 of the GTSR implements EO 13224 (2001) as amended by EO 13268 (2002) and EO 13372 (2005).

The GTSR have yet to be amended to implement EO 13886 - Modernizing Sanctions to Combat Terrorism (2019), which substantially amends Sec. 1 of this EO, in part by adding FFI-based CAPTA sanctions for banks engaging in significant transactions with SDGTs.

See comment to 594.201 for discussion on the relationship between the four EOs referred to above and GTSR, as well as the designation criteria that appear in this EO (as amended by EO 13886).

3) Read in conjunction with Executive Order 12947 of January 23, 1995, which was the basis for the Terrorism Sanctions Regulations (TSR). This EO excludes donations from the otherwise-applicable IEEPA-based exemptions of the TSR. However, in 2019, EO 12947, and the national emergency declared therein, were revoked by Executive Order 13886 (Modernizing Sanctions to Combat Terrorism). Even though EO 13886 "build[s] upon the initial steps taken in Executive Order 12947," that EO is of no continuing legal relevance, and the revocation of EO 12947 has effectively terminated the TSR. While this EO was not explicitly revoked by EO 13886, the revocation of EO 12947 nullifies any legal effect this EO had with respect to EO 12947. The portion of the EO pertaining to EO 13224 remains valid. On Mar. 10, 2020, OFAC removed the TSR from the CFR (see https://home.treasury.gov/system/files/126/fr85_13746.pdf).