31 CFR § 594.201 - Prohibited transactions involving blocked property.

Date issued: Jul. 01 2022

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TURBOFAC Commentary (3712 words)


*Update - provision amended on 7-1-22 to remove "otherwise associated with" as a basis for designation (i.e. being "otherwise associated with" SDGTs).
1) Except as discussed below, this is a standard blocking prohibition, as it appears in a non-abbreviated set of sanctions regulations that incorporate into the regulations the primary and derivative designation criteria used to determine the range of persons with respect to which blocking prohibitions apply. Read in conjunction with 594.204 (Prohibited transaction or dealing in property; contributions of funds, goods, or services). In the vast majority of sanctions programs, i.e. all except for the TSR and GTSR, the substance of that prohibition is not cast as a separate prohibition, but is instead included within the scope of the basic 5XX.201 blocking prohibition. See e.g. 588.201(b). For practical purposes, 594.204 serves as an "interpretive" provision, interpreting...