Civil Enforcement Information - PayPal, Inc.

Date issued: Mar. 25 2015

TURBOFAC Commentary (204 words)


1) Further information provided in Settlement Agreement - PayPal, Inc. (2015).

2) This is the first case (and only as of 12/2020) making the statement that online payment platforms are held to the same sanctions diligence standards as ordinary banks.

3) The legal bases for the violations described in the web post and settlement agreement are fairly typical, but the highlight of diligence expectations is somewhat novel. OFAC makes clear that cities of sanctioned countries in payment references trigger an obligation to do follow-up diligence on a given transaction. The cities cited are capitals. It is unclear how significant a city must be for OFAC to expect it to be filtered.

3) As OFAC has stressed before, the web post makes clear that the mere "operation" of an account for an SDN is impermissible (including the maintenance of an account for a person that became blocked after an otherwise legal opening of an account), even if no transactions are processed through it.

4) Paragraph 9 of the Settlement Agreement identifies a rare case of OFAC penalizing the processing/facilitation of a transaction involving Iranian origin goods (560.206), even where there was no evidence that an Iranian party was involved in the transaction.