Civil Enforcement Information - Red Bull North America, Inc.

Date issued: Jun. 27 2014

TURBOFAC Commentary (132 words)


1) Compare IXTLAN Corporation (2006).

2) Red Bull may have considered its documentary production to fall within the scope of the general license for Journalistic Activities (§ 515.563), but OFAC obviously did not. Under the then-prevailing standard for the general license for journalistic activities, one needed evidence of being "regularly employed as a journalist by a news reporting organization or Evidence that [one was] are regularly employed as a supporting or technical personnel by a news reporting organization."

The general license has been amended to add a category for "freelance journalist[s] with a record of previous journalistic experience working on a freelance journalistic project," which expands the scope of potential users beyond news reporting organizations. In addition, the activity is now seemingly generally authorized by 515.545(b)(2).