Civil Enforcement Information - Societe Internationale de Telecommunications Aeronautiques SCRL (“SITA”)

Date issued: Feb. 26 2020

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TURBOFAC Commentary (3096 words)


1) Bases for Legal Liability — 594.201 and 594.204

OFAC cites violations of both 594.201 and 594.204 of the GTSR. 594.201 is the basic blocking regulation, and 594.204 is a separate provision that states that "[t]he making of any contribution or provision of funds, goods, or services by, to, or for the benefit of any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to §594.201." That the substance of 594.204 is a separate 200-level prohibition in the GTSR—rather than, as is more common, something that is incorporated within a subsection of the basic blocking prohibition—is unique to the GTSR. In other words, these activities would have violated any blocking prohibition, since OFAC almost always explicitly considers the substance of 594.204 (contributions or provisions of funds, goods, or services) to be...