Terence Lau. "Triggering Parent Company Liability Under United States Sanctions Regimes: The Troubling Implications of Prohibiting Approval and Facilitation" American Business Law Journal Vol. 41 Iss. 4 (2004) [Excerpt reporting OFAC guidance]

Date issued: Apr. 20 2004

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TURBOFAC Commentary (129 words)


1) In its 2007 "Guidance on the Provision of Certain Services Relating to the Requirements of U.S. Sanctions Laws," OFAC formally clarified that its general prohibition on "facilitation" applies to every blocking program, including list-based, non-embargo programs, none of which have explicit facilitation provisions in them. While practitioners typically regard what constitutes "facilitation" to be uniform across programs, OFAC has not explicitly stated as much. The information reported in this article, coming from OFAC's Chief Counsel, is the closest thing to a printed statement attributable to the agency that the scope of facilitation is uniform across programs. Even as of 1/2021, the provision referred to, § 538.407 - Facilitation by a United States person (1998, Sudan), is arguably still the most detailed explanation of what constitutes facilitation.