31 CFR § 560.544 - Certain educational activities by U.S. persons in third countries authorized.

Date issued: Oct. 22 2012

Last substantive commentary amendment:
Aug. 29 2023

TURBOFAC Commentary (186 words)


1) Compare with Iran General License G (Certain Academic Exchanges and the Exportation or Importation of Certain Educational Services Authorized), which contains substance overlapping with this one.

2) Exchange students are typically considered to be "ordinarily resident" in the country they come from, hence the need for a GL authorizing all of these activities, which otherwise would constitute exports of services "to Iran."

3) Compare with 560.505 (Activities and services related to certain nonimmigrant and immigrant categories authorized), which authorizes all persons in the U.S. on student visas "to carry out in the United States those activities for which such a visa has been granted by the U.S. State Department or such nonimmigrant status or related benefit has been granted by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security." In practice, this authorizes a wide range of student-related activities that are not listed in this GL.

4) See Case No. MUL-2013-302171-1, in which OFAC determines, per State Department foreign policy guidance, that Iran-related educational activities by U.S. persons in third countries outside the scope of this GL will not be specifically licensed.