31 CFR § 560.505 - Activities and services related to certain nonimmigrant and immigrant categories authorized.

Date issued: Dec. 26 2012

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TURBOFAC Commentary (201 words)


1) For detailed commentary, refer to General Note on the Immigration-related GLs in the ITSR and SySR, and Dealings With Sanctioned Iranian and Syrian Individuals Lawfully Present in the U.S. (System Ed. Note).

2) Note that the pre-2012 (ITR) version of this provision included what is now the U.S. conference GL at 560.554(a). At the time, it made sense to include that GL in 560.505, because it dealt strictly with what persons ordinarily resident in Iran could do in the U.S. The U.S. conference GL was moved to a separate provision (560.554) presumably due to the addition of 560.554(b), which authorizes the provision of conference-related services to Iranians in third countries. Given that it relates...