31 CFR § 560.537 - Winding down of transactions relating to foreign entities owned or controlled by a U.S. person.

Date issued: Jun. 28 2018

TURBOFAC Commentary (118 words)

Notes Common to the Post-JCPOA Winddown GLs (560.534, 560.535, 560.536, 560.537)

1) These four GLs all permit the winding down of activities authorized pursuant to GLs issued in connection with the JCPOA. Accordingly, the scope of all of these GLs mimics the scope of the JCPOA GLs to which they correspond.


2) §560.537 corresponds to Iran General License (No. H), which is now expired, but which impliedly makes a variety of statements about the scope of the basic, cross-programmatic facilitation provision. See Iran General License (No. H) - Authorizing Certain Transactions relating to Foreign Entities Owned or Controlled by a United States Person [Revoked], and comments thereto, along with JCPOA Implementation FAQs K-1 through K-22.