31 CFR § 560.536 - Winding down of transactions related to the negotiation of contingent contracts for activities eligible for authorization under the Statement of Licensing Policy for Activities Related to the Export or Re-export to Iran of Commercial Passenger Aircraft and Related Parts and Services.

Date issued: Jun. 28 2018

TURBOFAC Commentary (218 words)

Notes Common to the Post-JCPOA Winddown GLs (560.534, 560.535, 560.536, 560.537)

1) These four GLs all permit the winding down of activities authorized pursuant to GLs issued in connection with the JCPOA. Accordingly, the scope of all of these GLs mimics the scope of the JCPOA GLs to which they correspond.

Note specific to 560.536 (2019):

1) Subsection (c) mirrors a part of General License I, which was revoked as of 06/27/2018. Note the definition of "contingent contracts" as including "executory contracts, executory pro forma invoices, agreements in principle, executory offers capable of acceptance such as bids or proposals in response to public tenders, binding memoranda of understanding, or any other similar agreement."

This is one of a few such statements enumerating a list of document types that would presumably all constitute "contracts" within the scope of the ITSR's cross-programmatic definition of "property" (560.325). There is, however, a lack of clarity as to whether all such contracts within the scope of the authorization would necessarily, in all cases, be prohibited without the authorization.

Concerning the relationship between "pre-transactional" activities and the blocking and non-blocking aspects of the ITSR, refer to General Note and Associated Scenario Matrix re: the Legal Status of Discussions, Negotiations, Contracts and other Pre-transactional Activities (System Ed. Note).