31 CFR § 560.533 - Brokering sales of agricultural commodities, medicine, and medical devices.

Date issued: Apr. 07 2014

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TURBOFAC Commentary (743 words)



ITSR GLs 560.530, 560.532 and 560.533 should all be read in conjunction with each other, as they collectively deal with exports of TSRA-eligible and other agricultural/medical goods. 560.530 deals with the exports themselves; 560.532 with payments and financing in connection with goods sold pursuant to 560.530, and 560.533 deals with brokering services in connection with sales related to 560.530.

2) GL discussed in Case No. IA-2013-300704-1 and Case No. IA-2012-294348-1.

3) The GL provides that:

"United States persons are authorized to provide brokerage services on behalf of U.S. persons for the sale and exportation or reexportation by U.S. persons of agricultural commodities, medicine, and medical devices, provided that the sale and exportation or reexportation is authorized,...