Open Society Justice Initiative et al v. Trump et al (1:20-cv-08121) (S.D.N.Y. 2020) - OFAC/USG Memo. in Opp. to Pl. Motion for P.I.

Date issued: Nov. 10 2020

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TURBOFAC Commentary (2187 words)


[4/30/2021 UPDATE] President Biden revoked EO 13928 on 4/1/2021, thereby removing the authority for the International Criminal Court-Related Sanctions Regulations. See Ending Sanctions and Visa Restrictions against Personnel of the International Criminal Court (State Dep't Press Statement). On 4-30-2021, this case was voluntarily dismissed Case 1:20-cv-08121-KPF Dkt. 68. The Government agreed to decline prosceution of any violation of EO 13928 that occurred prior to its revocation, at least with respect to the Plaintiffs in the case. Other persons having violated the EO can still be fined and/or prosecuted for violations that occurred prior to the revocation of the EO].


On Oct 1, 2020, the Open Society Justice Initiative sued OFAC and certain other government persons in connection with the regulations issued by OFAC that implement EO 13928....