31 CFR § 520.205 - Exempt transactions.

Date issued: Oct. 01 2020

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TURBOFAC Commentary (766 words)


[4/1/2021 UPDATE] President Biden revoked EO 13928 on 4/1/2021, thereby removing the authority for the International Criminal Court-Related Sanctions Regulations. The regulations will remain in the Research System for look-back purposes. See Ending Sanctions and Visa Restrictions against Personnel of the International Criminal Court (State Dep't Press Statement).

This is an irregular (though as of 8/2021 increasingly common) "Exempt transactions" provision for an IEEPA, list-based blocking program. For a reason that is not evident from the face of the regulations, the provision contains an explicit "Personal Communications" exemption, but not the standard provisions for "travel" or "information or informational materials." EO 13928 appears to be a standard, IEEPA-based blocking order that, as is typical, "opts out" of the "donations" exemption contained in IEEPA. On that basis, the "travel"...