31 CFR § 542.528 - Policy on activities related to the agricultural sector of Syria.

Date issued: May. 02 2014

TURBOFAC Commentary (211 words)


See 15 CFR § 746.9(c)(2) for EAR equivalent:

"(2) BIS may also consider the following license applications on a case-by-case basis: items in support of activities, diplomatic or otherwise, of the United States Government (to the extent that regulation of such exportation or reexportation would not fall within the President's constitutional authority to conduct the nation's foreign affairs); medicine (on the CCL) and medical devices (both as defined in part 772 of the EAR); parts and components intended to ensure the safety of civil aviation and the safe operation of commercial passenger aircraft; aircraft chartered by the Syrian Government for the transport of Syrian Government officials on official Syrian Government business; telecommunications equipment and associated computers, software and technology; items in support of United Nations operations in Syria; and items necessary for the support of the Syrian people, including, but not limited to, items related to water supply and sanitation, agricultural production and food processing, power generation, oil and gas production, construction and engineering, transportation, and educational infrastructure. The total dollar value of each approved license for aircraft parts for flight safety normally will be limited to no more than $2 million over the 24-month standard license term, except in the case of complete overhauls."