31 CFR § 542.513 - Official activities of certain international organizations authorized.

Date issued: May. 02 2014

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TURBOFAC Commentary (509 words)


1) Compare with more detailed analogue in the ITSR and more narrow SySR GL for NGO activities (542.516). The illustrative list of transactions permitted in 560.539 presumably informs the scope of this GL. See general discussion of the “official business” licenses at General Note on Exemptions and General Licenses for the “Official Business” of the U.S. Government (and/or United Nations) and Employees, Contractors, or Grantees Thereof.

2) Be wary of the relatively limited scope for license exemptions in the EAR in connection with non-U.S. government travel to Syria, even when in connection with UN and UN-related missions. Generally speaking, the scope of the Syrian embargo is far stricter...