31 CFR § 542.415 Transactions by foreign persons for which a U.S. person would not require a specific license.

Date issued: Jun. 05 2024

Last substantive commentary amendment:
Jun. 06 2024

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TURBOFAC Commentary (313 words)


1) This provision, implemented into the SySR on 6-5-24 alongside the implementation into the SySR of certain secondary sanctions and other targeting authorities, specifies that “foreign persons will not be subject to sanctions pursuant to § 587.201(a)(1), (3), (6), (8), or (13) or § 542.212 solely on the basis of transaction for which a U.S. person would not require a specific license”. (587.201 should be 542.201).

This appears to be a codification of the guidance found (still found as of 6-6-24) in OFAC Compliance Communique: Guidance for the Provision of Humanitarian Assistance to Syria, which provides that “[f]oreign persons do not risk exposure to U.S. sanctions for engaging in activity for which a U.S. person would not need a specific license issued pursuant to the Syrian Sanctions Regulations”.

2) Compare generally General Note on "Counterfactual Secondary...