31 CFR § 542.411 Entities owned by one or more persons whose property and interests in property are blocked.

Date issued: Jun. 05 2024

Last substantive commentary amendment:
Jun. 06 2024

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TURBOFAC Commentary (188 words)


1) This interpretive provision, a version of which is found in all but a few sets of regulations involving the blocking of property, is a restatement of the “50% rule.” Refer generally to Notes Common to the "50 Percent Rule" .400-Level Interpretive Provision (System Ed. Note). The provision is interpreted in a manner that is substantively identical across programs, even though many versions have not been updated in light of OFAC’s Revised Guidance on Entities Owned by Persons Whose Property and Interests in Property are Blocked (2014).

2) Note that versions of this provision that appear in IEEPA-based embargo programs (ITSR, SySR, NKSR) all clarify that the 50% rule, which does have the effect of taking normal entities...