31 CFR § 589.206 - Prohibited new investment in the Crimea region of Ukraine.

Date issued: May. 02 2022

TURBOFAC Commentary (152 words)


1) This incorporates the "new investment" ban in EO 13865. The "new investment" prohibition is, in substance, virtually identical to that of the NKSR (510.209/510.318), SySR (542.206/542.311) and ITSR (560.207/560.317). For more on the way in which the provision is interpreted in a cross-programmatic manner, refer to General Note on 'New Investment' Prohibitions in Embargo Programs (System Ed. Note). As discussed in the note, the prohibition is, in practice, not particularly important as virtually all "new investments" will entail an import or export of services to Crimea, and note that many activities in connection with "old investments" also fall within the scope of the service embargo.

2) 589.207 is supplemented by 589.326 (New investment) and (589.324) Loans or other extensions of credit, which are also boilerplate as it relates to definitional provisions related to standard “new investment” prohibitions.