Ukraine General License Number 4 - Authorizing the Exportation or Reexportation of Agricultural Commodities, Medicine, Medical Supplies, and Replacement Parts (December 19, 2014)

Date issued: Dec. 19 2014

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TURBOFAC Commentary (4470 words)


[*Update: on 5-2-22, this GL was implemented into the URSR at 589.513. As discussed in the comments to 589.513, the implementation into the URSR leaves no doubt that the GL applies to persons blocked pursuant to the URSR, and now it also clearly licenses against the debt and equity prohibitions of the SSI Directives. Note, in addition, that there is a substantive expansion of the GL (as it appears in 589.513) with respect to exports not subject to the EAR. Previously, exportation of such items would need to "be designated as EAR99 if they were located in the United States." In 589.513, it's "[not] listed under any multilateral export control regime." The below has not yet been amended to reflect this these substantive changes to...