OFAC FAQ (Current) # 415 - Ukraine-/Russia-related Sanctions

Date issued: Nov. 28 2017

Last substantive commentary amendment:
Sep. 09 2023

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TURBOFAC Commentary (873 words)


This FAQ addresses the question of what it means to be subject to two directives, but does not discuss the issue of whether ownership interests of SSI-listed entities are aggregated across directives in order to make that threshold determination. The below addresses that issue.

In FAQ # 373, OFAC says that the:

"named persons, their property, and their interests in property, which includes entities owned 50 percent or more by one or more persons identified [on the SSI List] as subject to [one or more of] the Directives."

There, "named persons" is clearly a reference to persons actually listed on the SSI list. Concerning the application of the 50% rule in the SSI context, OFAC states the following in the preface to FAQ # 398, which deals with the application of the 50% rule in...