31 CFR § 510.211 - Prohibited facilitation.

Date issued: Mar. 05 2018

Last substantive commentary amendment:
Feb. 17 2024

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TURBOFAC Commentary (387 words)


1) "Prohibited facilitation" provisions are explicit in each of the IEEPA-based embargo programs. Note that, even where a given provision only refers to certain prohibitions, OFAC considers the "facilitation" of a foreign person's dealings to be prohibited if they would be prohibited if engaged in directly by a U.S. person. This is "implicit" in all cases where it is not explicit. Refer to General Note on Explicit and Implicit "Facilitation" Prohibitions in IEEPA-based embargoes.

A transaction is only “prohibited facilitation” if it is one in which U.S. persons could not engage without a license, meaning that, on occasion, a sanctions question will turn on the outcome of a “counterfactual analysis” of a transaction that is not actually the one taking place. Refer to General Note on Sanctions Provisions for which Determining Applicability Requires "Counterfactual"...