Case No. SDGT-2017-344570-1 [Documents related to subsequent legal challenge in original PDF]

Date issued: Oct. 05 2017

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TURBOFAC Commentary (623 words)


*Document connected to Rusaviainvest, OOO v. Mnuchin et al (1:18-cv-05676) (SDNY, 2018)). The case is pending as of 1/2021. For commentary on unblocking licenses issued in connection with litigation generally, see General Note on, and Notable Examples of, Specific Licenses Issued Pursuant to Unwritten Licensing Policies.

1) See attached PDF for i) the blocking notices (pages 1-12), and ii) the litigation docket, including the complaint, annexes to the complaint, the Government’s Motion to Dismiss, and annexes thereto. 

2) This case is notable in particular for the procedural issues raised in connection with the license request to have the funds unblocked and the ensuing litigation. In the complaint, Plaintiff describes, with evidence to support its assertions, a period of almost two years in which it not only had its unblocking requests denied, but in which it was not even told what blocked person was deemed to have had...