April 2, 2004
FAC No. IA-[text deleted]
[text deleted] [text deleted] [text deleted] [text deleted]
Dear Mr. [text deleted]:
This responds to the letter of October 6, 2003 (Re: IA-[text deleted] – Supplemental Submission No. 4), providing additional information in response to the request made in our letter of September 30, 2003, your letters of January 9, 2004 (Re: IA-[text deleted]) and March 24, 2004 (Re: IA-[text deleted]), as well as the letter from Dr. [text deleted] dated February 20, 2004, regarding the peer review and scholarly publication by your client, [U.S. person], of papers submitted by authors located in countries subject to economic sanctions administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control ("OFAC"). In your October 6, 2003 letter, you expanded the scope of your inquiry with regard to such activity beyond the Iran program to include other OFAC sanctions programs, specifically Cuba,...
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As discussed in the "General Background Note on the Chronology of Guidance and interpretive Rulings Related to the Informational Materials Exemption and Publishing," this is one of the three interpretive Rulings (FACRL IA-15, IA-16 and GN-01) from April - July 2004 that expanded the scope of the Berman Amendment vis-a-vis a series of rulings from September 2003 (FACRL-IA-09, 10 and 11). The three 2003 rulings were removed as a result of the three 2004 rulings. In 2016, OFAC issued its revised publishing guidance that superseded this guidance in particular, with knock-on effects for the other two 2004 rulings, both of which were subsequently removed from OFAC's website. Our comments sections to each of the letters discusses their continued relevance. This guidance has been explicitly overturned, but its contents remain of note since items listed as permissible here but absent from the 2016 guidance are likely...