General Note Common to Most "United States person; U.S. person" Definitional Provisions (System Ed. Note)

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TURBOFAC Commentary (4121 words)

General Note Common to Most "United States person; U.S. person" Definitional Provisions (System Ed. Note)


This is the boilerplate definition of "United States person; U.S. person" found in the vast majority of sanctions regulations.

With limited exceptions, the scope of this provision sets the line between the persons and entities subject to the general blocking prohibitions of an ordinary sanctions program, and those not. Most notably, the CACR does not have a "U.S. person" definition, instead defining "Person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States" which is far broader than the typical "U.S. person" definition. The ITSR has an ordinary "U.S. person" definition, but the scope of the ITSR's basic prohibitions are, for the most part, extended to entities owned or controlled...