Iran General License (No. J-1) - Authorizing the Reexportation of Certain Civil Aircraft to Iran on Temporary Sojourn and Related Transactions (Amended 12/15/2016)

Date issued: Dec. 16 2016

Last substantive commentary amendment:
Jun. 12 2023

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TURBOFAC Commentary (1540 words)


1) While this license was issued in connection with the JCPOA, it was not revoked subsequent to the U.S. withdrawal from the agreement. As discussed below, this has led to a quirky result with respect to entities subject to the ITSR solely as a result of 560.215, which appear to be covered by this GL with regard to CCL-listed planes, but not planes that are not subject to the EAR altogether.

2) As noted in the comments to JCPOA Implementation FAQ K-13, where OFAC also makes reference to the term "controlled content" in the re-export context, that term is unique to the EAR. It appears in no regulation...