Executive Order 13315 - Blocking Property of the Former Iraqi Regime, Its Senior Officials and Their Family Members, and Taking Certain Other Actions (Effective Date - August 29, 2003)

Date issued: Aug. 29 2003

TURBOFAC Commentary (110 words)


1) This EO serves as part of the basis for the current Iraq Stabilization and Insurgency Sanctions Regulations (ISISR). The blocking provisions have been implemented in 576.201(a)(1) of the ISISR, partially lifted by 576.512. For comments on the scope of the blocking provision, applicability of exemptions and administration of the "derivative designation" criteria, refer to General Note on the Iraq Stabilization and Insurgency Sanctions Regulations and the Relationship Between the Authorities Underlying the Regulations (System Ed. Note).

2) The "coalition" exemption was implemented in the regulations at 576.207.

3) The (rare) authority for the vesting and confiscation of certain assets remains valid, but appears to have never been used.