Executive Order 12938 - Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (Effective Date - November 14, 1994)

Date issued: Nov. 14 1994

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TURBOFAC Commentary (354 words)

Notes Common to EO 12938 and EO 13094

1) EO 12938 (1994) declares the WMD-related national emergency that serves as the basis for, among other things, the authority of the WMDPSR (part 544) and the functionally defunct (no designations as of 5/2019) WMDTCR (Part 539).

Among other restrictions administered by agencies other than OFAC, EO 12938 (1994) establishes the authority for the import ban that would eventually take the form of the WMDTCR. Section 4(b), in particular, is the basis for the WMDTCR, as it applies to foreign persons (The Secretary of the Treasury shall prohibit the importation into the United States of products produced by that foreign person). Note that Sec....