31 CFR § 515.536 - Certain transactions with respect to merchandise affected by 31 CFR § 515.204.

Date issued: Oct. 17 2016

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TURBOFAC Commentary (298 words)


As discussed in the comments to 515.204, OFAC interprets "made or derived in whole or in part of any article which is the growth, produce or manufacture of Cuba" so as to include even de minimis amounts of Cuban-origin goods or materials (but see Cuban Cigar Update (2004)). OFAC has traditionally been especially sensitive to the issue of indirect support for the Cuban nickel industry See e.g. - ESCO Corporation (2014).

A version of this provision has existed within the CACR for over 50 years, but it is not clear whether any to what extent it has a practical effect. Neither the original issue of the provision, nor any of the FR notices amending it, nor any other currently available guidance explains what it means to be "presumptively subject to §515.204" (e.g., that a...