31 CFR § 515.512 - Provision of certain legal services authorized.

Date issued: Sep. 21 2015

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TURBOFAC Commentary (343 words)

Notes Specific to the CACR Version of the "Provision of Legal Services" General License

1) A version of this "Provision of Legal Services" GL is included in all sanctions programs involving the blocking of persons. They are substantively substantially similar across programs, except insofar as the CACR version is more detailed than the ordinary provision, and that the treatment of the receipt of payments for the legal services varies across program types. For comments on the legal services general licenses as they operate in a cross-programmatic fashion, refer to Notes Common to most Versions of the "Provision of Legal Services" General License (System Ed. Note).

2) PAYMENTS [CACR-specific note]

As is the case with the other embargo-based versions of this provision, there is reference to a specific license concerning payments...