31 CFR § 515.403 - Termination and acquisition of the interest of a designated national.

Date issued: Jul. 09 1963

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TURBOFAC Commentary (446 words)


1) This provision uses the "designated national" terminology unique to the CACR, but is substantively equivalent to the analogue in IEEPA-based sanctions programs dealing with blocked property generally. Refer to Note Common to “Termination and acquisition of an interest in blocked property” Interpretive Provisions (System Ed. Note). Several of these provisions use the construction "has or has had" an interest, rather than "has an interest," but OFAC does not interpret that language to mean different things across programs. See General Note on the Meaning and Significance of the Construction "has or has had an interest."

2) The "Except as provided in §515.525" clause in subsection (a) appears to be included in error. There is no longer a proviso relating to "termination of interest," as there was...