31 CFR § 515.210 Restrictions on lodging, paying for lodging, or making reservations at certain properties in Cuba.

Date issued: Sep. 24 2020

TURBOFAC Commentary (200 words)


515.210, which was added to the CACR in Sept. 2020, operates much like the prohibition at 515.209 of the CACR. Both prohibitions work in conjunction with lists administered by the State Department, and both only apply to entities and properties that actually appear on the list (i.e. no 50% rule applies and entities/properties are only within the scope of the prohibitions if they are affirmatively determined to be).

Note that there may be some circumstances in which a given property is not included on the CPA list, but is owned or controlled by an entity that is on the Cuba Restricted List (“CRL”) (515.210). In such cases, U.S. persons may, under some circumstances, be able to lodge at those locations, but not engage in direct financial transactions with the entity or subentitiy that appears on the CRL list. For instance, staying at hotels owned by CRL entities appears to be permitted when reservations are made through third-party travel agents. Indeed, the advent of the CPA List appears aimed in part at addressing that “loophole” without disturbing the operation of 515.210 as it relates to entities that do not deal in accommodations.