31 CFR § 515.203 - Effect of transfers violating the provisions of this part.

Date issued: Aug. 03 1963

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TURBOFAC Commentary (198 words)


1) With some non-substantive exceptions, this is the typical/boilerplate "Effect of transfers" provision that appears in all sanctions programs involving asset blocking (i.e. not the IFSR, WMDTCR or HFSR). Refer to General Note on the Boilerplate Provision Titled “Effect of Transfers Violating the Provisions of This Part”; “Null and Void” Transfers (System Ed. Note).

2) The CACR (since its 1963 inception) and IACR (1980) are the only two active sanctions regulations to exclude real property from the scope of the "effect on transfers" regulation. It is not clear why this is so, but the difference between those and modern programs is significant insofar as one could assume that...