OFAC FAQ (Current) FAQ # 787 - Cuba-related: Telecommunications

Date issued: Nov. 08 2017

TURBOFAC Commentary (148 words)


1) The specific basis for this interpretation is important for the purpose of discerning whether it has cross-programmatic application to other GLs.

If this is merely an interpretation of 515.578(a)(1), i.e. that caching constitutes "services incident to the exchange of personal communications over the Internet," then there is no reason why the reasoning shouldn't apply just the same to 541.511(a) (SySR) and 560.540 (ITSR)/Iran GL D-1, since the wording of the first paragraph of each of the three GLs is substantially the same.

The scope of 515.578 is however broader than its analogues in other programs. To the degree that OFAC implies that caching services are permitted in connection with "business consulting and information technology management services," such services are apparently outside the scope of the other GLs altogether, so the caching would be as well.
