OFAC FAQ (Current) FAQ # 711 - Cuba-related: Travel

Date issued: Sep. 23 2020

TURBOFAC Commentary (263 words)


1) Examples bearing on the notion of "full-time schedule" are relevant for all travel General Licenses. See other examples relating to the notion of "full-time schedule" at 515.574.

2) Refer to License No. CT-2012-294798-1; Case No. CT-2012-294798-1, Letter from Treasury to Rep. Diaz-Balart re: SCP Cuba Travel, and Prepaid Tourist Packages are Prohibited (2001) for more on the relationship between fulfillment of the "full time schedule" requirement and tourist activities.

3) FAQ amended on 9-23-2020 to amend the example used. Prior to the amendment, the 2nd paragraph read as follows:

“An individual traveling to Cuba for four days pursuant to the authorization for professional research and professional meetings (31 CFR § 515.564(a)), such as a professional architect, could participate in a two-day conference on Cuban architecture that directly relates to the traveler’s profession, followed by one day of meetings with Cuban nationals engaging in historical preservation of colonial and baroque buildings in Havana. The following day the traveler could engage in a full day of site visits and fact-finding around Havana at key architectural sites.”

This change was made in light of the amendment to 515.564(a) that removed the GL for “professional meetings or conferences in Cuba.” It is not, however, clear whether, in all cases, the attendance of “a two-day conference on Cuban architecture” would be outside the scope of the current 515.565(a) for a “professional architect.” It would depend on whether attendance at the conference could constitute “professional research.”