Western Balkans General License (No. 1)

Date issued: Jul. 09 2003

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TURBOFAC Commentary (506 words)


At the time this GL was issued, the WBSR contained a legal services GL [1] that, with respect to eligible range of disputes, mirrors the scope of the typical modern legal services GL. Western Balkans General License (No. 1) needed to be issued because proceedings before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia was not a U.S. proceeding within the scope of §588.507 at the time it was issued.

588.507 was later amended to incorporate this GL. The amended 588.507 authorizes the following:

(b) The provision by a U.S. person of professional legal services relating to the representation of persons whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to § 588.201(a) in matters pending before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (the “ICTY”) is authorized. With respect to such representation, receipt of payment of...