National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, P.L. 112-81, As Amended Through P.L. 115-91, Enacted December 12, 2017 (Section 1245)

Date issued: Dec. 12 2012

Last substantive commentary amendment:
May. 04 2024

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TURBOFAC Commentary (438 words)

Notes on Section 1245 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (FY 2012 NDAA)

[5-4-24 amendment. See Iran-China Energy Sanctions Act of 2023, and comments thereto, which amends Section 1245(d) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 to target certain China/Iran-related transactions. The below has not yet been amended to reflect this fact]


1) Section 1245 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 is one of the six "self-containing," OFAC-administered pieces of Iran-related secondary sanctions legislation [1]. It was amended substantially by the TRA (2012) and IFCA (2013).

For ordinary compliance purposes, the text of the statute is not particularly relevant, since the...